Seokmun Hoheup Series, Wednesday, April 16, 6:00-7:30PM, In Person

from $15.00

3rd Wednesdays from January 15-June 18, 6:00-7:30PM, In Person

While practicing Tai Chi, have you ever wondered about the connection between breathing and energy? Have you thought about how to maintain that calm meditative state more consistently?

We’re excited to introduce the renowned practice of Seokmun Hoheup at Wisdom Ways.

Healthy breathing is essential for our overall well-being; however, improving our ingrained breathing habits can be challenging, as they reflect our current state of Body, Mind, and Spirit. This program focuses on guiding you toward natural, lower-belly diaphragmatic breathing. Rather than relying on short-term, conscious breathing techniques, we aim to support a lasting, natural change in your breathing style that will carry over into your everyday life. Our accessible and enjoyable program is designed to help you maintain healthy breathing and incorporate positive habits into your daily routine.

By learning and experiencing the principles of Breathing, discover the meaning of life and unlock new potential within yourself.

Dr. Paul Min is an associate professor in radiology and a neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic who specializes in dementia. He started his journey trying to understand and find his purpose in life. When young, he was heavily devoted to Christianity through the Bible. He further studied Buddhism and learned how to look carefully into himself. At age 25, he met Seokmun Breathing practice while looking for practical methods to develop and train himself to bring out his true potential. After 20 years of practice, he is going through the instructor program of Seokmun Breathing to share the studies he learned about changing and becoming brighter.

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3rd Wednesdays from January 15-June 18, 6:00-7:30PM, In Person

While practicing Tai Chi, have you ever wondered about the connection between breathing and energy? Have you thought about how to maintain that calm meditative state more consistently?

We’re excited to introduce the renowned practice of Seokmun Hoheup at Wisdom Ways.

Healthy breathing is essential for our overall well-being; however, improving our ingrained breathing habits can be challenging, as they reflect our current state of Body, Mind, and Spirit. This program focuses on guiding you toward natural, lower-belly diaphragmatic breathing. Rather than relying on short-term, conscious breathing techniques, we aim to support a lasting, natural change in your breathing style that will carry over into your everyday life. Our accessible and enjoyable program is designed to help you maintain healthy breathing and incorporate positive habits into your daily routine.

By learning and experiencing the principles of Breathing, discover the meaning of life and unlock new potential within yourself.

Dr. Paul Min is an associate professor in radiology and a neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic who specializes in dementia. He started his journey trying to understand and find his purpose in life. When young, he was heavily devoted to Christianity through the Bible. He further studied Buddhism and learned how to look carefully into himself. At age 25, he met Seokmun Breathing practice while looking for practical methods to develop and train himself to bring out his true potential. After 20 years of practice, he is going through the instructor program of Seokmun Breathing to share the studies he learned about changing and becoming brighter.

3rd Wednesdays from January 15-June 18, 6:00-7:30PM, In Person

While practicing Tai Chi, have you ever wondered about the connection between breathing and energy? Have you thought about how to maintain that calm meditative state more consistently?

We’re excited to introduce the renowned practice of Seokmun Hoheup at Wisdom Ways.

Healthy breathing is essential for our overall well-being; however, improving our ingrained breathing habits can be challenging, as they reflect our current state of Body, Mind, and Spirit. This program focuses on guiding you toward natural, lower-belly diaphragmatic breathing. Rather than relying on short-term, conscious breathing techniques, we aim to support a lasting, natural change in your breathing style that will carry over into your everyday life. Our accessible and enjoyable program is designed to help you maintain healthy breathing and incorporate positive habits into your daily routine.

By learning and experiencing the principles of Breathing, discover the meaning of life and unlock new potential within yourself.

Dr. Paul Min is an associate professor in radiology and a neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic who specializes in dementia. He started his journey trying to understand and find his purpose in life. When young, he was heavily devoted to Christianity through the Bible. He further studied Buddhism and learned how to look carefully into himself. At age 25, he met Seokmun Breathing practice while looking for practical methods to develop and train himself to bring out his true potential. After 20 years of practice, he is going through the instructor program of Seokmun Breathing to share the studies he learned about changing and becoming brighter.