Directions to Wisdom Ways
Wisdom Ways is located at the Carondelet Center at 1890 Randolph Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105. Parking is available on site.
Directions from I-35
I-35E Exit on Randolph Avenue. Proceed west to the Fairview/Randolph Avenue intersection. Continue on Randolph. Turn left at the second entrance onto the campus of the Sisters of St. Joseph. I-35W Exit on I-94 eastbound and proceed to the Vandalia/Cretin Avenue exit. Go south on Cretin to Randolph Avenue. Go east (left) on Randolph to the Cleveland Avenue intersection. Continue on Randolph and take the third entrance on the right at the sign for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.
Directions from I-94
I-94 Eastbound – from Minneapolis Take the Vandalia/Cretin exit. Go south on Cretin to Randolph Avenue. Go east (left) on Randolph to the Cleveland Avenue intersection. Continue on Randolph and take the third entrance on the right at the sign for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. I-94 Westbound Take the Snelling Avenue (US 51) exit. Go south on Snelling Avenue to Randolph Avenue. Turn right on Randolph. Proceed west to Fairivew/Randolph intersection. Stay on Randolph and turn left at the second entrance onto the campus of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.
Parking at the Carondelet Center
You are welcome to park anywhere in the Carondelet Center parking lot. Additional parking is available on the south side of Randolph Avenue. Disability parking is available near the Carondelet Center.
Parking at Saint Catherine University
Depending on the time of day, parking may be available in the O’Shaughnessy parking lot at St. Catherine University (enter gate 4 from Fairview Avenue just south of Randolph). Between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm a permit is generally required to park in this lot. Please call St. Catherine University at 651.690.8888 to learn more about parking at St. Kate’s.
Bus and Bike Transit
Wisdom Ways is easily accessible by transit. Route 87 bus on Cleveland Ave connects to the Green Line on the north and six bus routes serving Highland Village on the south. Route 74 bus on Randolph Ave connects to the A Line bus rapid transit and numerous other routes. Metro Transit trip planner.
Bicycle lanes on Cleveland Ave link to many other bike routes. There is bicycle parking at campus locations. St Paul bike maps.